katharine hepburn in pants

Woman and actress with style and personality quite uncomfortable in the Hollywood of the 30’s, Katharine Hepburn is definitely a style icon. Her was a very elegant figure with an innate sense of style that radiated naturally both from the screen and everyday life. She was a woman capable of transforming from a Hollywood siren into a casual tomboy in a moment. A natural trend setter so different from Hollywood’s traditional female stereotypes: androgynous, tomboysh, glamorous, falsely simple and casual with its temperament was a great inspiration for modern women.

katharine hepburn hollywood diva katharine_hepburn tomboy katharine_hepburn ans spencer tracey

Following the fil rouge of characters and style of Katharine Hepburn, in the film “Six Sides of Katharine Hepburn” Oscar Boyson and Nate DeYoung, with the help of more than 500 different movie clips from different eras, tell us about so many movie characters and their impact on generations to come.

katharine hepburn katharine hepburn 1933 - by ernest bachrach.

Sit comfortably, put your feet on the table in front of your sofa just as Katharine Hepburn used to do, and enjoy this long excursion in the world of cinema and fashion.

And remember that:

If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.” Katharine Hepburn


Here is the trailer for a bite.


Here is the complete film.

six sides of katharine hepburn